


Son of art, he began studying music under the guidance of his father at the age of 5,
demonstrating outstanding artistic qualities from an early age. The meeting with the
piano school of M.ro Antonio Consales brings him to the Conservatory of Music “S.
Giacomantonio ”of Cosenza where he soon obtained the 1st level Academic Diploma
in Piano with honorary mention. Very young he participates in numerous national
and international piano competitions, always winning the First Prize; among these,
the “Magna Graecia” Competition of Gioiosa Ionica, the “Gustav Mahler”
Competition of Trebisacce, the “Orfeo Stillo” Competition of Paola and the “Lucio
Stefano D’Agata” International Competition of Acireale. He constantly enriches his
training by regularly attending master classes with various internationally renowned
concert players and teachers, such as: Cristiano Burato, Alexander Hintchev, Michail
Arkadev, Antonio Pompa-Baldi and others. He has performed in solo recitals as
guest of important Italian festivals and concert institutions, including the PianoLab
Festival in Martina Franca, the CosenzaPianoFest at Villa Rendano, the Night of the
Museums at the National Gallery of Cosenza, the Music Festival (2018), the
Mediterranean Music Meetings – Pythagoras Museum of Crotone, Serre Festival –
Cerisano, Summer Music – Castrolibero and others. He attends the II level
Specialized Piano Graduation at the Conservatory of Music “S. Giacomantonio ”of
Cosenza in the class of Professor Antonio Consales.

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